Reconstruction of a laboratory floor for groups of junior researchers

Max Planck Society, Munich

Planning period: 2012– 2014
Construction period: 2016– 2017
Work phases: 1– 9

Project manager:
Gerald Koniakowsky

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Reconstruction of a laboratory floor for groups of junior researchers

The Institutes of Biochemistry and Neurobiology are located on the campus of the Max Planck Institute in Martinsried near Munich. For groups of junior researchers, Kai Otto Architekten dismantled a laboratory floor except for the building shell and restructured it while maintaining research activities. The building was reconstructed in terms of energy efficiency and fire protection. The windows, which dated back to the construction period around 1970, were replaced by new prefabricated windows, the doors were renewed in accordance with current requirements, and the inner facade surface was insulated. The administrative units on the ground floor remained fully operational during the entire reconstruction project. As a result, the laboratories, open-plan laboratories and workplaces are bright and appealing. The new laboratory furniture meets all current requirements of scientific research in the fields of biochemistry and neurobiology.

In connection with the structural alteration, a new roof terrace was built.

Max Planck Society, Munich

Planning period: 2012– 2014
Construction period: 2016– 2017
Work phases: 1– 9

Project manager:
Gerald Koniakowsky

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