Managaing Directors

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Regina Kastner

M.A. (FH) interior designer, authorized signatory

Studied interior design at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences

2017 - 2020 Duka Design, Munich

Since 2020 with Kai Otto Architekten

Since 2024 managing director of Kai Otto Architekten GmbH

Peter Helsper

Dipl. Ing. (TU) architect, managing director

Architecture studies at TH Darmstadt and TU Berlin

Since 1990, partly full-time as a student at Borchert and Oppert Berlin,  working in planning, tendering and construction management

1998 - 2000 Borchert Architects Berlin

2000 - 2003 CRC Clean Room Consulting

2003 - 2006 Wallner Architects Munich

2006 - 2008 Rath Kaufmann Architects Munich

2008 - 2010 Feigel Huber Architects Landshut

Project manager at Kai Otto Architects since 2010

Since 2017 managing director of Kai Otto Architekten GmbH

2001 SiGeKo (BayAK)

2015 Fire protection certificate for building classes 1 to 5 (BYAK)

Kai Otto

Dipl. Ing. (TU) architect, managing director

Apprenticeship as plasterer and subsequent work as a journeyman

Architecture studies at the Technical University of Munic

1998 - 2008 Fritsch + Tschaidse Architects

2005 Foundation of Kai Otto Architekten

Since 2017 managing partner of Kai Otto Architekten GmbH

Certified energy advisor (BYAK, BAFA) for residential and non-residential buildings

Fire protection planner according to Art. 62 BayBO

Since 2011 member of the expert pool of the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council)

Member of the Bund Deutscher Baumeister BDB

Martina Pontoni

Dipl. Ing. Architect (Univ.), authorized signatory

Architecture studies at the University of Udine, Italy

2010 - 2011 Giuseppe Espo

sito Architect, Udine

2011 - 2013 RB Progetti srl, Udine

2013 Jo Güth Architect, Munich

Since 2014 Project manager at Kai Otto Architekten

2017 Authorized to provide fire protection certification for building classes 1 to 5 (BYAK)

Since 2024 Authorized signatory at Kai Otto Architekten GmbH

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